

Last things about my year:


I can't remember much about it... why? I dunno, I can forget things too easily.. some of them of course I can remember.. remember those I really want to.. but if somebody asks me for something.... I forgot OTL

(sorry for typos, I am lazy to re-read this all...)

I remember only I had a test at the highschool.. (I finished it last year, but I failed so I had to repeat a year... I did but I started an other school, so only two tests I had to write. it was one of them)
I remember I met with one of my friend. I was Zelda fan. she showed me Hetalia (I knew it already!) that reminded me to watch new EPs (I saw them to 22.. and then I downloaded it to 50)
I got my laptop from my school! I started using photoshop instead of paint shop pro!

FIRST CANADA FANART  >:Đ AnimeFans Meeting! I was CANADA!! my first Hetalia cosplay... epic fail.. I was brown-haired, with green pullover... without hiding that Canada has no... lol
I started eating my Maple-candy I won... (I finished eating it in September.. awesome, isn't it? xD)

March 15 - of course I did draw a hetalia art with hungary! but I don't remember something interesting...

me and my friend was in McDonalds, there worked a girl, she was hetalia-fan too. she told me how to be boy. just a little tip, I was like okay, I will try, so I can be Link, and not Zelda~ and in the end at SakuraCon I was Link.
before the Con I read Ota-chan's journal at Deviantart that she was looking for peoples who has some animes downloaded and burned to disks.. I told her I have, so we've met, she sai, she wanted to be Hungary, from hetalia, the Gakuen version. I said, the Gakuen uniform is very different from the clothes she wanted to have, so in the end she was Canada!
as SakuraCon... oh, many Hetalia character... Russia, China, Pirate!England (I knew england, but I didn't know what is this clothes), France... I didn't noticed there was two France... only Reisuto I've met... or really one one of them was there..? I am not sure.. oh, and there was Denmark too.. but back then I didn't know who Denmark is.. only the anime I saw...

the first (third) Hetalia meeting (may 8)! I was Sportwoman!Italy! or how to call that I was... hehh xD I saw Iceland.. Iceland.. I didn't know what Iceland is.. I didn't know where it is! they said... "Izland".. Izland?? (Izland is Iceland in my language) ICELAND IS IZLAND!! OTL... I needed to learn more names in english xD yes, then I kinda know who Iceland is.. but not really..
may17: BIRTHDAY-PARTY IN IKEA with TWO FRIEND OF MINE! party.. I WAS ALREADY in the NORDICS.. from that day I was TINO! my first Norcis fanarts.. my first SuFin fanart.... 
may 22: Comic-fest... I cosplayed Female!America. it was not so bad, even I look ungly... but that wig was cut, so I can't be her again... and I GOT MY FIRST HETALIA MANGA!!!! I was so happy... but this moment is kinda   bad as well... I cut my leg.. it was bleeding a log.. I had to go to hospital ;A; I TOTALLY HATE HOSPITALS... you know when I was 8 I had to stay there for longer time.. I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK!!

June 6: Again a hetalia meeting but I was with my parents in Nyíregyháza... OTL nothing special.. I broke a glasse in the hotes ;A; I eat licorice! (I love it anyway)
june 12: HoldfényCon (MoonlightCon)! i was there as... Failed-Casual!Finland! and I made my little Roxas Plusshie a Sweden cosplay! his cosplay was the best!! >:Đ
and I fell in love with norway.... >:Đ (still he is my fav!)
I started making OCs for Hetalia even I "promised" myself to not so any! Åland, Feröer and Aruba (the last one I don't wanna keep.. somebody make me to abandon her... OTL)
when I created my Åland, somebody mentioned Humon's Scandinavia an the Wold... I start reading it and become fan of it!
jun 26: again a hetalia meeting.. it was a bit rain day.. I didn't sleep at the night before the day I felt dizzy and bad that day.. I was casual-like Finland..

Canada's birthday... it was good >:Đ even I was epic fail Finland as always~
America's birthday... was not so good... I got depressed ;A; nobody cared me.....
I saw DenmarkVSJapan in the TW.. I was like "WTF??? DENMARK!!"
I could not abelt to see it.. everytime Japan got the ball from denmark!!
later I was Netherlands' fan..  they lost too..
I met my Otherself, and we've have a pairing-icon~~
I love Otherself! ;_;

Animecon in Pécs (city in Hungary, far from the place I live right now!) first time I traveled all alone to a far place... but everything as fine... I was Seborga.... I left some stuffs at home I needed OTL it was not so bad at all~
I started hawing this blog... but I am not using it so much.. nobody reads it... what is I start drawing more and upload it ONLY HERE? will you read my blog more?? >:Đ
to be honest I was thinking about to go here...
and Hetalia meeting at the end of August. I made half of SisterFinland/Finland~ I will cosplay him/her again... is depends I can have a skirt or not.. xD and I made a FinlandxTaiwan Crack!!
I wanted to have my Finaldn cosplay for Animecon at Pécs, but I could not.....

School started again.. Ota-chan is in same school like me!! YEY!! Lithuania cosplay-test. I wanna be him!! and I will be, just need a little haircut.. 
sept 18-19... MY FINLAND COSPLAY IS (not) FINISHED! (only wearable.. no any details on it yet) accidently I made  (again) a FinlandxTaiwan crack! we didn1t do anything, but some photos that Hungary made.... looked like we did something, heh.. xD EPIC!
I met an other Hungary, she was so good... I meant.. she was friendly with me! she accept me as a family of her!! YEY! 

oct 2-3 MondoCon! I was again Finland.. I had to be.. Finland is the first cosplay is mine I wear MANY times.. (and still in december it is not finished.. can you believe it??) that con.... BEDOBEAR ATTACKED ME!! of course I made myself I am running away from him.. and he followed me.. xD but america saved me! after the con we got information he was from slovakia xD (yes, we noticed he spoke english, not hungarian like everyone else here)
oct 23: a RusHun fanart... it was needed...
I started a denNor doujinshi, still i didn't finsih it... I need to go to Ikea I think if I wanna finish it.... I just remember I wanted to ass a RANDOM GIRL to it as a lover of Norway IN THE PART (woops, spoiler lol) but on THAT DAY Sweden's female form was released (better word?) so Norway's first lover was Female!Sweden
(it is kindy correct in the history:  Norway had an union with sweden before the kalmar union.. and sweden left the kalmar union and she left as well)
and yeah, I feel in love her. Female Sweden is a beautiful and prideful girl, not scary like sweden! even many people draw her scary. okay, her personality is unknown we can know what we can see that only one artwork about her, where was looked pridefully with that sword!

Nov 7: HEta-Hallowwen.. I was casual Norway and found my est crack-partner. Norway is Korea YEY!! oh and there is the Norway x Mr Puffin!! >:Đ
nov14: we've made a cosplay-video
not the best, plz, forgive me to say that, but I think it's not so good, but as first video, it is good~ there are some part of it I like~ you know.. the people learns from mistakes... you just have to see them! i see them... so in my video I will make I will try to avoid these mistakes... and for the video I finally made the buttons to my cosplay! it not looks crappy like before!
I created more OCs... not CITIES! Helsinki oslo and some other nordics >:Đ (Helsinki, Oslo, Stockholm, Reykjavík, Copenhagen, Malmö (Swedish city connected to Copenhagen with a long bridge), Tallinn, Riga, Vilnius, Warsaw, Nokia and Tampere) [I already had my village I live in]

the best of this year... Female Sweden in Casual!! sadly I had no Finland cosplay for Finland's birthday so I had to broke my promise to have fun in Ikea as Finland OTL I was sent my cosplay to Otherself! I got it back in time for Anime Christmas! I was the red-caped Finland.. you know which one, right?~
Here our skit on stage (with fail-subs):
Two different view recorded by two friend of mine. I mixed the videos and remixed the voices into it, because many part of it was not hear-able because of screams!
America: Ayase018
Canada: Ota-chan
Finland: me
England: Elderi
after the anime chistmas (dec 19) we had something ike in november, but still I don't know anything about the finished version of it...
dec 20: MY NEW WIG HAS ARRIVED to my friend..
dec 22: I met with my friend (Russia/Norway) to have my new wig (named Nils) and got back my Eduard (old wig), first day, I wa finally Latvia with my friend, Estonia (she is america/ayase018, will be my Sweden..), and Korea was Lithuania, because our Lithuania (Canada/Ota-chan) was not around)dec 23: we recorded the last scenes that was needed to the video, and again I had a little fun with America, we made a little EstoniaxLatvia photoshoot (in her room, because she was ill, so we could not leave the house, because it's winter and cold outside). only two of them are uploaded. one of them about Estonia who wanna rape Latvia... poor me, the other one if a tied Latvia (with cables) sitting under the tree like a present.why not Estonia say "LATVIAAA" liek always? he is surpruised... shocked? he could not say anythign... it if a.... good present for him?I, personally, would prefer Finalnd under the tree (I had my finland-cosplay with me, but we made Estonia-Latvia... oh, i am so idiot xD) but I think nor EstoniaLatvia neither EstoniaFinland is not so popular... but I hope everyone had good christmas. I went home: I forgot my wigs (Eduard and Nils) wt my friend's place
dec 24. - with my grandma
dec 25. - with my grandpa and ma cousins
dec 26. - with my cat... alone at home okay, my family was at home, but it not make anything better, it as like a normal day
dev 27. - again I went to America (to get my wigs back) and to be not bored like always... we went to the hairdresser.. (sadly me forgot my money at home.. so no new haircat like I wanted to OTL) she had new one, wow.. when she finished it, I said "will you be my boyfriend"!
She is the british man from england who visited hungary. her name is Max. I am the swedish girl, who was stalking after him by google-maps, my name is Kaysa.
after the hairdresser we went to the McDonald's. yey, our date >:Đ it was kinda funny.. the british gentleman in the McDonalds... Dear, next time to go to the IKEA >:Đ!
after it we went to her home.. erm.. to her bed (you are dirty-minded if you think something bad! >:Đ)
we made nothign special, using my laptop and watching youtube and stuffs.. and the time went away, i had to go home
I run to the Metro (undergrounder?) and I was near to miss my bus. this was the second time I reached it in the last minute! I am epic!

and here I am starting this.. and reach the end.. so late in the night...